Sunday 15/01/2017
Here are the links to the charity pages that DG Fencing has raised money for this year collecting Christmas trees. Both great causes for which I am really pleased to have been able to support.
Keswick Mountain Rescue Team:
Oxford Transplant Foundation:
Sunday 01/01/2017
DG Fencing enjoyed a successful first year of trading, and as such a new vehicle has joined the team to improve efficiency. Plenty of space in the back for Muttley too!
Fencing whatever the weather now we have 4 wheel drive!
Sunday 07/02/2016
'The Met office has issued a yellow and amber severe weather warning for large parts of southern England. Strong winds are expected across the region on Monday; have a look at the link below. Strong winds and weak or old fences don't mix very well so I anticipate a lot of damage to fencing over the next couple of days. If your fence is damaged during the storm then contact DG FENCING and hopefully I can help. I am also able to cut down or remove damaged trees and branches.' Dean Gibbins.
Monday 18/01/2016
‘I’d like to say that over the Christmas holiday period I took advantage of the break and rested and relaxed. Well, I tried, but I can’t stay still for long!
I was deeply concerned about the catastrophic flooding that was devastating communities in the north and testing the resources of the emergency services and all the rescue teams involved with the flood relief effort across Cumbria, Lancashire, Yorkshire and beyond.
A friend of mine suggested that I could collect Christmas trees as a way to fill the time between Christmas and the new year and to bring home a bit of income. I came up with a plan: Charge £10 for the disposal of a tree. Keep £5 to cover diesel and disposal costs and donate the remaining to £5 to Keswick Mountain Rescue Team. The idea was born and I went on the offensive on social media.
I have been humbled by the generous response of those who have contributed, encouraged and helped raise the £130 that has been donated to Keswick Mountain Rescue Team. Thank you!' Dean Gibbins.
Please visit their page to see what KMRT do:
Or go here to see the donation:
I fully intend to repeat the gesture next year, although I might need a bigger trailer!